Highland Bowen and Massage
Respect your body when it’s asking for a break
Respect your mind when it’s seeking rest
Honour yourself when you need some time out
The Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique is a remedial, hands-on therapy that is applied using very gentle pressure. The practitioner uses thumbs and fingers on precise points of the body to perform Bowen’s unique sets of rolling-type moves which stimulate the muscles and soft tissue of the body.
There is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue and no force is used
Sports & Remedial Massage
Anyone who has a specific soft tissue condition or wants to improve his/her general well-being, flexibility and movement can benefit from massage.
Sports & Remedial massage is a deep form of soft tissue work that consists of a variety of techniques.
Neuromuscular, myofascial & positional release treatment offer specific relief to a target area
Exercise and stretch programmes can be developed to aid recovery
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on the topmost layers of muscles. By relieving muscle tension Swedish massage can be both relaxing and energizing
Scar Tissue Release(MSTR)
A scar is just the tip of a the iceberg
When the body is injured from trauma or surgery the body heals by laying fibres to close the wound. What we see on the surface is a scar, what is happening underneath is far more wide reaching. Over time the scar becomes tough and tight but underneath the once gliding tissues become sticky and in some cases stuck solid, pulling all associated tissues into it. Research shows that releasing the scar tissue releases the underlying tissues and in turn may release pain and increase movement to many areas of the body.
Imagine what an hour can do…

Do something today thatt your future self will be grateful for

Strength Building
Discuss and develop an exercise or stretching programme to keep you moving

Stress Relief
Take time out for yourself to rest, think and clear your mind

Relax & Refresh
Hit the reset button and go about your day with a clearer mind

Beauty of Body
Re-engergise your mind and body and give yourself a kick start to feeling better

Mind & Soul
Your mind and soul are closely linked. Listen to your body, it talks to you every day….
Latest News
Scar tissue release for emotional and physical healing by Rachel Fairweather
published by Massage World Magazine by Nina Frizoni on March 7, 2018 Jenny is 53 years old. She came to me with chronic low back issues, lack of mobility and constant pain. She also felt depressed and had severe gastrointestinal problems. Jenny had a large scar on her...
These feet were made for walking…..
We all know the health benefits from a walk in the park but when you see them all written in one place doesn't it make you want to put those boots on and go outside?
What’s that funny feeling….?
Have you ever used the words 'I had a funny feeling about that' Cue the arrival of your intuition, but have you ever wondered what intuition actually is? Well wonder no no more. Your intuition comes from within you from your very own fascial matrix. What is that I...
My Journey….
I have always been interested in the mind and body connection and have been lucky enough to, so far, lead an healthy and active lifestyle.
No doubt about it, our bodies change and by listening to those changes, the lower back and knee pain, the hips and pelvis stiffness, the tummy troubles and headaches we can monitor them and do something about them before they become a real problem.
What I have learnt is that our body is constantly talking to us it’s just that we do not always listen. The time soon comes when the body says ‘I have been warning you about this but you ignored me so now I have to stop you to make you do something about it’ and you end up bent double in pain and unable to function on a day to day basis.
Whatever treatment you decide upon will be beneficial to your health and if you are seeing your GP the treatments can work together, healthy mind, healthier body, it’s all linked.
If you have any questions that aren’t answered in are FAQ’s or you wish to book an appointment please contact me at debra@highlandbowen.com